The start of something beautiful…

Panic, writers block and fear… Am i back at school, the day before my homework is due in? No, worse, as a “future IAB rising voice in social media” it’s the day before my first ever blog is due. And this time it’s not ‘sir’ or ‘miss’  who gets to tell me if I’m any good but potentially the entire population of the World Wide Web ( now I really do have delusions of grandeur when it comes to my blog!). I think my throat just went dry.

So why am I doing it to myself… Well fully versed in offline media and equally versed in ‘traditional online’ media( an oxymoron? Discuss) I felt it only right I also fully emerged myself in the sometimes misunderstood ( maybe only in my head ) world of social media and started to begin to feel as confident in discussing this aspect of media as I do in discussing all other forms. So, where was I again? Right, homework, so I need to have a look at 2 Twitter accounts; one that’s more ‘twit’ (no offence meant) and the other that’s actually more ‘ter’ific ( see what I did there – don’t judge me it’s really quite late).

OK let me lay my cards on the table here and let’s be clear – my views will be topline being a very late adopter into the market with regards to setting up a facebook page and a twitter account. My views on what constitutes a good twitter account and a bad one are going to be exactly that… my views! And probably going to be extremely raw (and probably inaccurate). So please bear with me and lets hope my blogs (and social knowledge) at the end of the 6 months is a little bit more sophisticated. So who shall I choose…

Well let me think long and hard, mmm… Right John Lewis and Panasonic. How did I come to decide those 2? Well I thought long and hard, thought about their share of voice in the market, the consumer buzz online, the historical brand equity versus its competitors… actually I looked up saw my Panasonic TV that I bought in John Lewis(remember I said it was late)!

My first target is John Lewis, a much loved, trusted and quality institution with real brand values and history – does this translate equally as well on to Twitter? In a word – Probably. but I couldn’t find them on Twitter. Maybe I’m too new at this to haven’t looked properly but maybe they just haven’t got their act together. As a customer I’m already beginning to feel really disappointed in them – damn the power of social media expectations!!!! Let’s see if I have more luck with Panasonic…

I couldn’t locate Panasonic UK either ( if I’m doing it wrong someone please help me, please) so have settled for PanasonicAU – first thoughts to someone as naïve about this sector as me – looks clean, clear and relatively up to date, last tweet 18 hours ago. Over 2000 followers, following 600 people (is that a good thing?) and has clear information on where else to catch up with them; youtube, Facebook and Flickr. Also seems to have great interaction with its followers and offers more than just product info.

Now as for the bad one. In a short answer I can’t find one, they all seem relatively personable – I guess with more exposure I’ll be able to spot the could do betters but I’m not there yet. Well watch this space and in 6 months time I’m sure (fingers crossed) I’ll have plenty of views on corporate twitter accounts.

One Response to “The start of something beautiful…”

  1. P@bz Says:

    Very interesting! Shame on John Lewis for not having a twitter account!!

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